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Dolmen People

Restoration of Tools

Stone Tools

Farming Tools

Stone blade in a oval or semicircle form is a harvesting crop grains and there are one or two perforated holes in center. Stone sickle in a beak or crescent form is a tool for cutting weed stems or collecting grains.

Lumbering and Processing Tools

Various kinds of wooden tools were developed to improve agricultural productivity in the Bronze Age. Stone tools like ax and chisel were used to make these wooden tools out of timber.

Hunting Tools

Stone arrowhead was used for hunting or as weapon, which was made in the Bronze Age. Stone spear is said to have been the most effective and powerful among other tools to hunt animals.


Polished stone dagger was the most used tool and a representative artefact in the Bronze Age It was buried as grave good in dolmens and stone cist tomb in Korea. A stone dagger is composed of the blade and the handle. The mainly used type of stone is tuff and the length of a stone dagger is usually less than 30cm except for the one from Jinra-ri site in Chengdo, which is 67cm in length.

Jade Products

Jade was a kind of ornament which had been highly adorned by ancient people as a symbol for the spirits of heaven and earth , and purity. Wearing jade ornaments is said to be good for health as well as warding off demons.

Spinning Tool

Spindle is a kind of spinning tool used for twisting fibers into yarn. There was a round hole in the center of spindle to fix a stick, using the force derived from rotating. They are usually made out ofsoil, stone and fragment of pottery.

Cooking Tools

Grinding slab and pestle are primary tools for dehusking grains and grinding them into the powder. Plants such as acorn, fruits and nuts were ground, using these tools. Materials to grind were red pigments, shells and stone mixed with clay to make pottery